with local movers and shakers. Get on a speaking list and offer to speak to groups, this can become another lucrative paying aspect of your coaching business.
Business Cards — We all get them made, but did you know most of us don't even use them? Get a good card made, using the front and the back, and at every function ask for the person's card with whom you're conversing, and then give them two of yours. Tell them if they recommend you to someone you'll give a special deal to their friend, and give them a referral bonus for a signed contract.
Get an inside look at today's most popular types of coaching programs. If you've ever considered becoming a coach, now is the perfect time, and this short report is just what you need to introduce you to this exciting field. Grab your copy today, and in no time at all you'll be enjoying a rewarding new career. http://www.markcall.com/reports/coachingprograms/