Let’s Keep this Between Us!

of leverage that are holding him back.”

It was mid day and I was sitting back relaxing listening to a little Maxwell, so I was in a mellow mood. And . . .

I asked my valued subscriber to send me some of his states and a few specific examples of what he had tried and I would take a look at everything and point him in the right direction.

I figured, he’d been around a couple years and if he was still at it then he’s got HUGE heart, and that deserves encouragement.

I go back to my Maxwell listening and a little pay per click marketing, and about hour later I get an email back from the guy.

He partially sends me one of the four or five things I had asked for. So I replied, “send me the rest so I can get a good feel for what you’re up to and I’ll get back to you.

Another hours passes, and he he sends me a direct link to the one piece of information he had originally sent. Prior he told me he had written 92 articles, and I go and check the page and only see 7. I’m puzzled and ask him about it.

He replies, yeah, there’s 7, but I got them out to a bunch of places, so that’s 92 articles. He also mentions that he got rid of his email list, and everything else he was doing because, and I quote “it was a waste”

I think it’s strange to reach out for help to a true mentor, have them be willing to help you freely without reserve and not be precise with what you’ve done that you want an evaluation on.

It’s time for an immediate intervention. I say . . .

“Shoot me your phone number and let’s talk”

A few hours later he responds with an email that basically tells me why he can’t succeed. I reiterate “Shoot me your phone number and I’ll help”

Now let me take a step back . . .

In the last three years, I’ve never freely given up my time on a Saturday like this and there’s a reason for it.

Back when I was first starting I had a completely open door policy. You need me and I’m there . . .

And I spent a LOT of time, I mean like 300 emails a day and 20 calls no matter the day of the week or time of the day, giving free advice that people never acted on, and a few times . . . 

I even ended doing the job for people, making them money or recruiting people for them, and having them come back mad because I only made them $800 that week, or recruited 20 people that week and the week prior I had done twice that amount. 

I learned a very important lesson. NEVER give away your time freely. It will only get abused. 

So, I quit this practice and I advice you to do the same, UNLESS, there’s a very strategic reason for doing it in your business. 

Ok, so back to the story . . .

A few hours later, I get another email from the guy basically selling me on why he’s going to fail and he doesn’t want to pay me because he already knew “it” wasn’t going to work. 

I repeat one final time by email, “I was willing to give you my time freely to help you get results in your business, right now, today. Shoot me your number if you want help.”

Want to know what I got as a response? A link from the guy asking me about the FTC going into effect at the beginning of December. Complete avoidance at every level. 

Ask for a few pieces of specific information so I can help him. I get a link to a partial piece of what I asked for with instruction to “go find it”. I say shoot me your phone and I’ll help. No number.

This is why you shouldn’t bend over backwards to give your time freely, and why I won’t anymore – not even while listening to Maxwell.

Feel no guilt about it either, your time is your most precious asset – make sure you keep that in perspective. Money can come and go, but time, once it’s gone it’s gone.

If you want to give. Give to charity, you know what I mean?

Now, here are the two lessons I want you to take away from this . . .

First, when a mentor is willing to give you time, for free or at a HUGE fee, make every effort possible to take advantage of it and be complete prepared.

That time you spend with them is worth it’s weight in gold. NEVER take it lightly.

Second, take note of the mindset I just shared with you above. Let me share it

again . . .

My subscriber felt he was due success for his effort, maybe he was maybe he wasn’t. No way for me to know because he didn’t let me look at what he was doing.

He reaches out for help.

I reach down to pull him up, and he resists with every cell in his body, and effectively sells himself to me on why he can’t succeed.

Why is it important to take note this mental state?

Because it’s where many of your prospects are living right now. And because of this . . .

Read this carefully.

It’s NOT your primary objective to give strategies that they can use to get results. It’s too inspire to action.

 I think Joe Vitale said it best . . .

 “You can’t make people do anything, all you can do is hope to inspire them to action.”

 Only once this end is achieved can all the good stuff you can share that’s going to bring them results actually WILL bring them results.

 Hence, at the beginning, middle, and end of your business your job is to inspireto greatness NOT teach stuff. So I ask you . . .

Are you willing to inspire? Are you willing to be inspired?

Please reread this message MANY times. You get this message, and you get your primary objective. Take a much time as you need, but again . . . keep this between us.

To the top,


“The King Of Never Calling A Single Lead”

To learn more about Daegan SmithCLICK HERE


 Now, I don’t know about YOU… but … that was one of the BEST stories I have EVER read!!

Please feel free to leave your comment below and SHARE this article with everyone you know!

Thanks Daegan!

– Mark

  • Thanks for an idea, you sparked at idea from a perspective I hadn’t given thoguht to before . Now lets see if I can do something productive with it.

  • Good post, thanks

  • These tips are so true

  • Hey Mark,

    You are right! What a powerful e-mail. I am very excited about my new direction and the mindset niche. I never realized my job was to inspire others to action. Now wonder it has been hit and miss with some people. Our road has never looked brighter!

    Make it a great day!


  • Mark: great share & True 2 Life.
    We do not help ourselves or others UNTIL the action & results are seen & achieved. All the time & energy spent to help & support ourselves & our team can only be realized when ACTION is taken to get a result.
    Another lesson to learn: when the master/mentor helps & teaches, the wise student listens, obeys, & practices with action.
    Don’t Waste Any Time… Yours or Others!

  • Hey Mark,

    Thanks for sharing that email. I too value my time and often reach back to bring someone along, only to find out they were not willing nor ready to to be lead anyway.

    Just as you stated here, TIME is your most valuable asset. Use it wisely, cause one spent, you cannot get it back!

  • Roe Fisher

    Excellent Post Mark!